Monday, 30 June 2014

How to Protect Your Facebook Account from Hackers:

Just because your friend's facebook account may have gotten hacked, doesn't mean you should too start crying like a baby if you don't have a secured Facebook account. Hacking has been hitting the global scale, and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are the main targets of hackers. Well, you can secure your Facebook account by following these 5  easy steps.

1. Make sure only your friends can see your profile

You wouldn't just go up to a stranger in the street and start telling them about your life, so why would you want them to see your Facebook profile?
Click on the cog icon that you see in the top right hand corner of the screen. Then click Privacy Settings.
Privacy Settings
Click Privacy - the third option down in the left hand pane.

How to Protect Your Facebook Account from Hackers:

Just because your friend's facebook account may have gotten hacked, doesn't mean you should too start crying like a baby if you don't have a secured Facebook account. Hacking has been hitting the global scale, and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are the main targets of hackers. Well, you can secure your Facebook account by following these 5  easy steps.

1. Make sure only your friends can see your profile

You wouldn't just go up to a stranger in the street and start telling them about your life, so why would you want them to see your Facebook profile?
Click on the cog icon that you see in the top right hand corner of the screen. Then click Privacy Settings.
Privacy Settings
Click Privacy - the third option down in the left hand pane.
Facebook privacy ds
You are now in the Privacy Settings and Tools area of Facebook. From here you can control 'Who can see my stuff?'
Who can see my stuff
By editing 'Who can see your future posts?' you will be able to choose exactly who gets to see your future updates.
friends only
Choose from:
  • Public (which obviously means everyone)
  • Friends
  • Only you
  • Custom (which allows you to limit some of your friends from seeing your posts)
Pick what's best for you, but make sure 'Public' isn't selected. Whatever you choose will then become the default every time you post an update (though you still have the option of selectively changing this for each individual update you post in the future).
If you want to limit old posts that you may have made available to everyone or friends of friends then you can do this individually in the Activity Log, or you can choose to 'Limit the audience for old posts on your timeline'. This will change everything you've ever posted to only be seen by your friends.
Limit past posts

2. Control who can contact you on Facebook

The second part of the Privacy Settings and Tools section allows you to select who can contact you.
who can contact me
By default this is set up to allow friends and people you may know the opportunity to send you a message to your inbox.
If you want only friends to be able to contact you, you can increase the filtering on your inbox. Other messages will then be diverted to your 'other' folder which you can access from your Messages screen.
Additionally you can limit who can send you a friend request. By default, anyone can try to befriend you on Facebook, but if you'd rather limit that a bit you can change it so only friends of your friends can add you as a friend:
Facebook contact 3 ds

3. Limit who can discover your profile based on your email address and/or telephone number

The final option from the Privacy Settings and Tools screen allows you to control who can find you using your email address or telephone number.
Under 'Who can look me up?', click Edit next to the line that says 'Who can look you up using the email address or telephone number you provided?'
who can look me up
Change the setting to 'Friends of friends' or 'Friends' only.

4. Set up login notifications

Facebook can send you an alert every time someone accesses your account from an unknown computer or other device, enabling you to receive a warning that someone has gained unauthorised access to your account.
Still under Privacy Settings, click the second option in the left hand pane.
Facebook security ds
Click Edit next to login notifications and choose whether you want to receive an email or a text message/push alert. Click on Save Changes. Login notifications are now active.
Login notifications

5. Turn on login approvals

Every time you access your account from an unknown browser you can get Facebook to send a code to your phone which you will then need to use to login.
Next to 'Login approvals', click Edit. Then tick the box to 'require a security code to access my account from unknown browsers'. Click Save Changes.
Facebook login approvals ds
Click Get Started. Facebook will then take you through the process of setting up login approvals.
Note, you'll only need to use a code whenever you login from somewhere new so if you always use the same browser and phone you will not need to verify your identity every time. It does makes it much more difficult for a hacker to get into your account from elsewhere, so it's a great thing to enable.
These are just a few tips that can help you safeguard your Facebook profile.
If you have any tips you wish to share, please leave them in the comments below.
-Facebook privacy ds
You are now in the Privacy Settings and Tools area of Facebook. From here you can control 'Who can see my stuff?'
Who can see my stuff
By editing 'Who can see your future posts?' you will be able to choose exactly who gets to see your future updates.
friends only
Choose from:
  • Public (which obviously means everyone)
  • Friends
  • Only you
  • Custom (which allows you to limit some of your friends from seeing your posts)
Pick what's best for you, but make sure 'Public' isn't selected. Whatever you choose will then become the default every time you post an update (though you still have the option of selectively changing this for each individual update you post in the future).
If you want to limit old posts that you may have made available to everyone or friends of friends then you can do this individually in the Activity Log, or you can choose to 'Limit the audience for old posts on your timeline'. This will change everything you've ever posted to only be seen by your friends.
Limit past posts

2. Control who can contact you on Facebook

The second part of the Privacy Settings and Tools section allows you to select who can contact you.
who can contact me
By default this is set up to allow friends and people you may know the opportunity to send you a message to your inbox.
If you want only friends to be able to contact you, you can increase the filtering on your inbox. Other messages will then be diverted to your 'other' folder which you can access from your Messages screen.
Additionally you can limit who can send you a friend request. By default, anyone can try to befriend you on Facebook, but if you'd rather limit that a bit you can change it so only friends of your friends can add you as a friend:
Facebook contact 3 ds

3. Limit who can discover your profile based on your email address and/or telephone number

The final option from the Privacy Settings and Tools screen allows you to control who can find you using your email address or telephone number.
Under 'Who can look me up?', click Edit next to the line that says 'Who can look you up using the email address or telephone number you provided?'
who can look me up
Change the setting to 'Friends of friends' or 'Friends' only.

4. Set up login notifications

Facebook can send you an alert every time someone accesses your account from an unknown computer or other device, enabling you to receive a warning that someone has gained unauthorised access to your account.
Still under Privacy Settings, click the second option in the left hand pane.
Facebook security ds
Click Edit next to login notifications and choose whether you want to receive an email or a text message/push alert. Click on Save Changes. Login notifications are now active.
Login notifications

5. Turn on login approvals

Every time you access your account from an unknown browser you can get Facebook to send a code to your phone which you will then need to use to login.
Next to 'Login approvals', click Edit. Then tick the box to 'require a security code to access my account from unknown browsers'. Click Save Changes.
Facebook login approvals ds
Click Get Started. Facebook will then take you through the process of setting up login approvals.
Note, you'll only need to use a code whenever you login from somewhere new so if you always use the same browser and phone you will not need to verify your identity every time. It does makes it much more difficult for a hacker to get into your account from elsewhere, so it's a great thing to enable.
These are just a few tips that can help you safeguard your Facebook profile.
If you have any tips you wish to share, please leave them in the comments below.
- See more at:




The sheer number of passwords and usernames required to live a normal online life mean that people often recycle. Cyber criminals can simply use Google to ‘join the dots’, connecting them across all the different online worlds they live in. Fewer usernames makes finding a ‘way in’ far easier.


Your email password is the ‘key’ to all your accounts – if hackers want to access your Facebook account, say, they can reset it via your email. Even if you DO reuse passwords, the one that you should never reuse is your email password. If you do, you’re handing out the keys to be breached, giving hackers access to the information they’ll need to hack your bank account and other networks you use.


Facebook is full of information that can be useful to hackers – including the names of family members, addresses and email details that can fill in crucial ‘blanks’ for identity theft. People still ‘friend’ people they don’t know – not realising they are handing over the ‘keys’ to their online life.


Some of the most effective attacks are ‘cries for help’ from friends – such as emails saying that someone is stuck abroad and needs money sent by wire transfer. The emails are actually spam, sent by email from a compromised machine. If it’s someone who travels a lot and their email is hacked, it’s more convincing when you get an email saying that they are stranded abroad and need money. All the hackers need is one person to respond for it to have been worth their while.


Facebook links are often used by cyber criminals - with 'funny' videos designed to con people into clicking a link that will infect their machine
Facebook links are often used by cyber criminals – with ‘funny’ videos designed to con people into clicking a link that will infect their machine. Often a ‘video’ link will try to fool people into visiting an infected site or downloading something in the guise of video software. Your only defence is to think, ‘Would my friend really post that?’ So be careful about people you only half-know. 


Laptops and phones both ‘remember’ Wi-Fi networks they ‘know’ – so hackers can use this to break in. It can be hard to tell whether a network is real – or  is being run by a hacker who wants to steal your details. If you’re going to use public networks for business, use a laptop because the browser will warn you of security breaches – your mobile won’t.


Security experts recommend doing an ‘offline test’ – ie, would you do the same thing if you were offline? If you are chatting to someone online and you tell them something, would you have handed the same information to someone you were chatting to in a bar?  In a bar, you at least know who you are chatting to – online, you can never know whether someone is  who they claim to be.


Antivirus software is not a Holy Grail but it helps you to deal with known problems – although machines can still fall victims to new attacks, and will be easy prey until the antivirus companies respond to the attack.


‘Two-factor’ passwords, such as a password plus a secret code where you only hand over one or two letters at a time, offer an extra layer of security. Many sites offer this as an option, but people tend to resist except when they’re made to do it – eg, by their bank. Other banks provide customers with a device that uses your password to generate a random code number that allows access to your account.


Messages such as ‘Windows is downloading updates’ can be irritating – but if you don’t set every piece of software to auto update, you’re leaving yourself open to attack. Attackers actively look for vulnerabilities not only in your operating system but also in your browser and other software.

एक साइबर हमले से अपने पीसी की रक्षा के लिए 10 तरीके 

1. विभिन्न उपयोगकर्ता नाम का उपयोग 
एक सामान्य ऑनलाइन जीवन जीने के लिए आवश्यक पासवर्ड और उपयोगकर्ता नाम का सरासर संख्या लोग अक्सर रीसायकल कि मतलब है. साइबर अपराधियों बस वे अभी तक आसान 'में जिस तरह से' एक खोज करता है कम उपयोगकर्ता नाम अंदर रहने सब अलग अलग ऑनलाइन दुनिया भर से, 'डॉट्स शामिल होने' के लिए गूगल का उपयोग कर सकते हैं. 
2 अपनी ईमेल पासवर्ड फिर से उपयोग नहीं करते 
आपका ईमेल पासवर्ड आपके सभी खातों को 'कुंजी' है - हैकर आपके फेसबुक अकाउंट का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं, कहते हैं, वे आपके ईमेल के माध्यम से इसे फिर से कायम कर सकते हैं. आप पासवर्ड पुन: उपयोग करते हैं, तो आप पुन: उपयोग कभी नहीं करना चाहिए कि एक अपने ईमेल पासवर्ड है. यदि आप करते हैं, आप हैकर्स वे आप का उपयोग अपने बैंक खाते और अन्य नेटवर्क को हैक करने की आवश्यकता होगी जानकारी तक पहुँच दे रही है, का उल्लंघन किए जाने की चाबियाँ सौंपने रहे हैं. 
3 फेसबुक पर मित्र के रूप में अजनबी न जोड़ें 
पहचान की चोरी के लिए महत्वपूर्ण 'कारतूस' में भर सकता है कि परिवार के सदस्यों, पते और ईमेल विवरण के नाम शामिल हैं - फेसबुक हैकर्स के लिए उपयोगी हो सकता है कि जानकारी से भरा है. लोग अभी भी 'दोस्त' लोगों को वे नहीं जानते हैं - वे अपने ऑनलाइन जीवन के लिए 'कुंजी' हवाले कर रहे हैं साकार नहीं. 
4 'मदद के लिए रोता' से मूर्ख मत बनो 
इस तरह के किसी विदेश में फँस गया है और तार स्थानांतरण द्वारा भेजे गए पैसे की जरूरत है कह रही है कि ईमेल के रूप में - सबसे प्रभावी हमलों के कुछ मित्रों से 'मदद के लिए रोता है' कर रहे हैं. ईमेल एक समझौता मशीन से ईमेल द्वारा भेजे गए स्पैम वास्तव में कर रहे हैं. यह एक बहुत यात्रा और उनके ईमेल हैक कर लिया गया है जो किसी को है, तो आप पाएंगे कि वे विदेश में फंसे और पैसे की जरूरत है कर रहे हैं कह रही है कि एक ईमेल प्राप्त करते हैं, तो यह अधिक ठोस है. सभी हैकर्स की जरूरत है कि यह अपने समय के लायक हो गया है करने के लिए प्रतिक्रिया करने के लिए एक व्यक्ति है. 
5 'हास्यास्पद' लिंक से सावधान रहें 
फेसबुक लिंक अक्सर साइबर अपराधियों द्वारा उपयोग किया जाता है - अपने मशीन को संक्रमित होगा कि एक लिंक पर क्लिक करने में लोगों को चुनाव के लिए बनाया गया 'हास्यास्पद' वीडियो के साथ 
फेसबुक लिंक अक्सर साइबर अपराधियों द्वारा उपयोग किया जाता है - अपने मशीन को संक्रमित होगा कि एक लिंक पर क्लिक करने में लोगों को चुनाव के लिए बनाया गया 'हास्यास्पद' वीडियो के साथ. अक्सर एक 'वीडियो' लिंक पर एक संक्रमित साइट पर जाकर या वीडियो सॉफ्टवेयर की आड़ में कुछ डाउनलोड करने में लोगों को बेवकूफ बनाने की कोशिश करेंगे. अपने ही बचाव में सोचना है, 'मेरे दोस्त वास्तव में उस के बाद होगा?' तो आप केवल आधा जानते हैं कि लोगों के बारे में सावधान रहना होगा. 

6 सार्वजनिक Wi-Fi पर सावधान रहना होगा 
लैपटॉप और फोन Wi-Fi नेटवर्क वे 'पता' 'याद' दोनों - या अपने विवरण चोरी करना चाहता है एक हैकर द्वारा चलाया जा रहा है - यह एक नेटवर्क असली है या नहीं कहना मुश्किल हो सकता है अंदर हैकर्स को तोड़ने के लिए इस का उपयोग कर सकते हैं तो . आपके मोबाइल नहीं होगा - आप ब्राउज़र सुरक्षा उल्लंघनों की चेतावनी देगा क्योंकि एक लैपटॉप का उपयोग व्यापार के लिए सार्वजनिक नेटवर्क का उपयोग करने के लिए जा रहे हैं. 
7 आप लोगों को नहीं पता पर भरोसा नहीं है 
सुरक्षा विशेषज्ञों का एक 'ऑफ़लाइन परीक्षण' करने की सिफारिश - यानी, आप ऑफलाइन थे अगर आप एक ही बात करना चाहते हैं? आप ऑनलाइन किसी से बातें कर रहे हैं और आप उन्हें कुछ कहना है, तो आप एक बार में बातें कर रहे थे किसी को एक ही जानकारी सौंप दिया होता? एक बार में, आप कम से कम आप से बात कर रहे हैं जो जानते - ऑनलाइन, आप किसी को वे जो होने का दावा है कि क्या कभी पता नहीं कर सकते हैं. 
8 उपयोग एंटीवायरस सॉफ्टवेयर 
एंटीवायरस सॉफ्टवेयर एक पवित्र कंघी नहीं है बल्कि यह आपको ज्ञात समस्या से निपटने के लिए मदद करता है - मशीनें अभी भी नए हमलों के पीड़ितों गिर सकता है, हालांकि, और एंटीवायरस कंपनियों हमले का जवाब जब तक आसान शिकार हो जाएगा. 
9 उपयोग अतिरिक्त पासवर्डों 
इस तरह के एक पासवर्ड के साथ साथ एक समय में एक या दो पत्र पर आप केवल हाथ, सुरक्षा के एक अतिरिक्त परत प्रदान करते हैं जहां एक गुप्त कोड के रूप में 'दो फैक्टर' पासवर्ड,. कई साइटों को एक विकल्प के रूप में इस प्रस्ताव है, लेकिन लोगों को वे ऐसा करने में बना रहे हैं, को छोड़कर जब विरोध करते हैं - जैसे, उनके बैंक द्वारा. अन्य बैंक अपने खाते तक पहुंच की अनुमति देता है कि एक यादृच्छिक कोड संख्या उत्पन्न करने के लिए अपने पासवर्ड का उपयोग करता है कि एक डिवाइस के साथ ग्राहकों को उपलब्ध कराते हैं. 
अपने आप अद्यतन करने के लिए 10 सब कुछ 
जैसे कि 'विंडोज अपडेट डाउनलोड कर रहा है' के रूप में संदेश परेशान किया जा सकता है - लेकिन आप स्वत: अद्यतन करने के लिए सॉफ्टवेयर का हर टुकड़ा निर्धारित नहीं करते हैं, तो आप पर हमला करने के लिए खुला छोड़ रहे हैं. हमलावरों सक्रिय रूप से अपने ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम में बल्कि अपने ब्राउज़र और अन्य सॉफ्टवेयर में न केवल कमजोरियों के लिए देखो.